Thursday, June 1, 2017


Rusty’s Chronicles

Rusty embarks upon an adventurous journey through life facing different vulnerabilities, conquering handicaps empowered by devotion to his unconditional love.
This odyssey leads a young pup through challenges facing danger and conquering fears through the first year of his life. The growth and knowledge of some experiences gained are through trial and error. The structure of family and friends strengthen the learning experience while the young pup enriches each life he encounters. Creatures come to life to share inspirations from a magical world of nature.
Each journal entry portrays a short story or lesson learned. A final thought or reflection closes the segment. How often do we reflect on our experiences and feelings throughout life? The journal format provides an easy method to allocate time periods of a natural progression of growth. The wisdom of insight or enrichment gained from success or even failures intensifies the need to survive.
Rusty’s Chronicles takes us on a journey visualizing life through the eyes of a lovable pup. Each encounter allows us to laugh, to cry, or just give in to the warm fuzzy feeling of his innocence.
An excerpt:
Mother Nature surely has a plan for all to envision her splendor whenever she beckons. The universe around us is so great and holds within the essence of our very being. Life evolves as we experience changes and growth. We set forth both enduring and embracing our destiny.
Yes, growth; toes sinking down into the soft gooey mud with rain pouring down drenching what use to be nice warm pajamas. The booming thunder overhead provides a challenging setting for nature’s calling for a young pup. The sheer joy of not being fried to a crispy critter by the lightning bolts does tend to leave a certain sense of gratitude.
The splendor of a sunset normally leaves a peaceful feeling with the most beautiful colors painted across the sky. The closing of yet another adventurous day, with nightfall and darkness drifting throughout left an air of uncertainty for me. I snuggle down into my soft, cozy blanket. Binky Bear is already fast asleep and snoring rather loudly…or maybe that is Dad again. The air has a funny smell causing my little puppy fur to stand on end, which is not easy for all those ringlets to do. I close my eyes and put my chin on Binky so that he will not be afraid.
The loud thunderous boom shakes the walls and even the floor causing my bed to walk a few steps across the room. I raise my head and open my eyes wide to adjust to the darkness. Sudden bursts of bright light fill the room ever so often. I look under my bed to see if Dad put training wheels under it. Logically this would explain my sudden departure and relocation. I wag my tail finding the most wonderful surprise…my lost doggy biscuit is right there. Maybe the tooth fairy pup left it since I gave her my first little tooth. Well actually, I think I gave it to Dad since he found it in his foot. Mom convinced me not to eat the tooth. She said that if I put it under my bed, the tooth fairy pup would bring me a treat.
The loud booming thunder and crack of lightning bolts across the sky send my whole little puppy body right out of bed. I race across the floor to find Mom at a lightning fast speed. As I snuggle down beside her, I must have accidentally pointed the wrong puppy part right in Dad’s face. I cannot tell if the word’s “Rusty” or the booming thunder is louder. Which prompts me quickly to snuggle down under the covers to my safety spot; my cave as Dad calls it. I carefully tiptoe down to the end of the bed as not to put my little paws on Dad. That is until I find his toes. What a smell, this is better than my bugs…maybe he will not mind if I just sample a few of them. My tiny tongue licks ever so lightly on first his big toe and then the next one. My delight, suddenly brought to a halt, as Dad bolts upright in the bed leaving the cave door open for both of us to be exposed to the firework display. Dad must have found his vision to be able to move that quickly. I wonder why he is grabbing the legs of his pajamas shaking them as if he found a bug. I remember how Dad put a bug in his pocket…I wonder if he puts them in his pajamas too.

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