#ASMSG, #iartg, #bookboost, #bynr
Have you run out of ideas? Hit a plateau in your sales? Are you banging your head trying to come up with marketing and advertising techniques that will get those sales started again?
Focused mainly on authors and anyone in the publishing industry, there’s an abundance of information that can be utilized to increase exposure. It’s a Call-to-Action and is specially written to help you move into a positive forward motion. There are ideas and techniques that can be taken advantage of before you finish reading.
Sometimes you just need a little nudge to get your creative juices flowing and release all those ideas that are rolling around, begging to get out. It’ll help you with the basic principles to build an effective marketing plan and be more successful. Get a fresh insight and understanding of how to reach your goals, get your momentum going, and build the following you need to succeed.

Pamela Ackerson started writing poems and short stories as a teen. Later, as a young mother, she continued writing children’s stories and poems. Born and raised in Newport, RI where history is a way of life, Pam now lives on the Space Coast of Florida, a hop, skip, and jump from Orlando, where imagination and fantasy abounds. She has three children, all girls, three grandchildren and a wonderful husband. (Obviously, don’t we all say that?) But, it is true, and she will be the first to admit it. He is a wonderful husband, and she has concrete, undeniable proof. She has not plotted his demise… yet.
Pam may have majored in child psychology with a minor in English, but her distinguished choice of careers never made fruition. Instead, life led her to work in restaurants, interior decorating, owned an advertising business, content editor for a publishing house, owned a ballroom dance studio, and real estate investments. Pam is a practicing herbalist and has been involved in the use of natural treatment with raw herbs for almost thirty years. As her day job, she currently works as the V.P. of Marketing and Advertising for the book review magazine, Affaire de Coeur.
I am the Marketing and Advertising Director at Affaire de Coeur Book Review Magazine
If you are an author and are interested in promoting your book or books with the magazine, I will be happy to work with you and do everything I can to make life easier for you. (Rates are very reasonable)
pamackerson@adcmagazine.com or advertising@adcmagazine.com
I make every attempt to friend/follow back on twitter and facebook! Sometimes I miss the follows, email me and let me know if I haven’t followed you in return. Gentlemen, please understand I don’t write romances. I am not interested in starting one. I am quite happy with my husband.

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