Tuesday, January 2, 2018

“A Treat for the Kids” – “Wee Three: A Mother’s Love in Verse” by Marta Moran Bishop

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5-star review
A Treat for the KidsThere’s immensely significant role quality literature plays in making the personality of the children. It gives them the ability to dream, ability to love and ability to hope in the world which is largely unmoved by their existence. It helps them cherish the beauty of life. It is important for parents to realize that children poetry is more than absurd rhyming words. They need to give new eyes to the child to observe the world with. That is precisely what this book does. It became a daily staple of my five year old and I just recollected that I have not reviewed this. This is an amazing book and it so delicately introduces the child to the beauty of literature, of beauty, of life. Do pick up, it will lighten up those nights when your little one snuggles on to you.
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“Wee Three: A Mother’s
Love in Verse”

by Marta Moran Bishop
Can be found at:

Amazon – FREE on
Kindle Unlimited

Audible – Message Marta Moran
Bishop on Facebook to get this
audiobook for FREE!

Barnes & Noble


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