In a world where the Gods walk and their spirits commune with mankind, there must be those trained while in a trance to intercede with them, for the good of the tribe.
Mondoani, a young woman, is chosen by the Gods to take the place of the Old Mother upon her passing. Is this frail young woman strong enough to carry the spirits of the Gods? Can she learn quickly enough to save her people from possible famine and death?For it will be her responsibility to carry the memories of all those who have passed from this life and to help protect and lead her people across the dead lands and snowy plains to a place they can safely spend the winter. But before she can accomplish that she must choose an apprentice from among the young girls and women, someone who can take her place should she fall.
Mondoani, a young woman, is chosen by the Gods to take the place of the Old Mother upon her passing. Is this frail young woman strong enough to carry the spirits of the Gods? Can she learn quickly enough to save her people from possible famine and death?For it will be her responsibility to carry the memories of all those who have passed from this life and to help protect and lead her people across the dead lands and snowy plains to a place they can safely spend the winter. But before she can accomplish that she must choose an apprentice from among the young girls and women, someone who can take her place should she fall.
Will Mondoani’s youth and inexperience condemn the tribe to death or will she rise above it and with the help of the magical world choose correctly?

J. Rogers Barrow
The Keeper of the MemoriesBishop gives us the story of the tribe and its Memory Keeper. The Old Mother must soon pass from the world, and she chooses Mondoani to take her place. She must care for her people in their harsh land. The tribe and its land is painted with care, and their story is crafted with care. The people live lives that to us are exotic, and their traditions and way of life are alien. The reader sees a life that entices him into a new world and time. Well done!
The Keeper of the MemoriesBishop gives us the story of the tribe and its Memory Keeper. The Old Mother must soon pass from the world, and she chooses Mondoani to take her place. She must care for her people in their harsh land. The tribe and its land is painted with care, and their story is crafted with care. The people live lives that to us are exotic, and their traditions and way of life are alien. The reader sees a life that entices him into a new world and time. Well done!

“The Choosing”
(The Memory Keepers,
Book 1)
by Marta Moran Bishop
Can be found at:
Amazon – FREE on Kindle Unlimited
Audible– Contact Marta Moran Bishop
on Facebook to get this
Audiobook for FREE
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