Monday, May 21, 2018

“Blue Lake” (Time After Time) by Carol Ann Kauffman – #TimeTravel, #Romance, #BookReview

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#AuthorNetwork,#IndieBooksPromo, #amreading, #amwriting, #indiepromo
Line Blurb
When widowed Nicole decided to step back into life in beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico with Richard, a young, handsome British actor who professed his undying love and devotion to her on a daily basis, she mistook his boundless enthusiasm for her as little more than youthful impetuousness. She had no idea where their relationship would take her physically or emotionally. She would find herself in many dazzling international locations, putting her own life on hold, simply to be with him. She had no concept how strong her commitment to him would grow and to what extent she would go to protect him and ensure his safety and well-being. And she certainly had no idea the depth of his devotion to her, an unlikely but undeniable love that would span continents and a decade of their lives, entwining them closer and closer, while his career, their families, and other relationships pulled them farther and farther apart. BLUE LAKE is a story of the power of love.
The series, TIME AFTER TIME, follows a pair of quintessential lovers, Richard and Nicole, through their lives together, in different places, in different times, with different names and faces and sometimes even on other planets. This follows the alternative theory that the relationships we forge in this lifetime, both the good and the bad, are continued into the future, and are rooted deeply in our past. Whatever we do, whoever we love, and the good and evil deeds we do today follow us into the future. Unsettled issues will present themselves again and again until they are ultimately resolved. Those people who have had a profound effect on us in this lifetime will find us again in the future. And although everything changes, love remains.
Books in the TIME AFTER TIME series are BLUE LAKE, BELTERRA,
The BASLICATO, BENTLEY SQUARE, WAITING FOR RICHARD, and LORD OF BLAKELEY. They do not need to be read in order.
Line review
Valerie Roberson
Another Amazingly Wonderful Story by Carol Ann Kauffman Have tissues to read this one!
WOW! What a very powerful Love story! There is a roller coaster of emotions in this story and it will suck your emontions in with it. Have tissues for a lot of it handy. Carol write” I want YOU…..Sometime with….. You. Alone. Just you and me Richard and Nicole, like we use to be. Imiss it. I miss….Us!” I can relate to how Nicole feels here. I feel that same way and have said those words to my husband, my Soul Mate. lately.
Love is Complicated! But for Richard and Nicole, it’s more, it’s electric pulsing through their veines together every time they touch. Richard is in London and Nicole is in New Mexico. They want to spend their lives together, there is a huge age difference and one of them feels like the other deserves more from life. You follow their ups and downs over the years. You see how much and connected they really are. They are always there for each other in time of need. They are up front to boy friends/girl friends, that they are in love and will always go to the other in time of need. There can not be a real relationship with anybody, but themselves.
Their love story is beautiful! Their love story is full of hurt! Their love story is patient, kindness, caring and nurturing. Their love story keeps them apart until one reaches out for the others affection. Their love story is every couples dream. Some people have that rare chance to find their Soul Mate and live very happy with them for their adult life. Like me.
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“Blue Lake”  
(Time After Time) 
by Carol Ann Kauffman
Can be found at:

Amazon – FREE on Kindle Unlimited

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