Monday, July 30, 2018

“Cupcakes and Kisses” by Barbi Barnard – #WomensFiction, #Humor, #Humor&Satire, #GeneralHumor

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Line Blurb
Sabotage or assist? ` Trent Leeds is uncertain about many things in his life. Will he help the mousey Shelby win over the guy of her dreams? Or will he show her he is the right guy?
Shelby Davis is a local baker who has a secret crush on the new attorney in town, Drew Collins. But when her dream guy comes to her to ask if she can rent out her extra room over the shop to his old friend, Trent, she hesitates. After all, Trent Leeds is not exactly a clean-cut guy. He screams “I’m a player.” He is easy on the eyes, but Shelby can see that Trent is not exactly a church choir boy.
Trent Leeds is trying to figure out what to do with his life. He has had enough trouble for one lifetime. When he sees how crazy the shy little baker is and how she seems to jump each time Drew is around, he decides to help her win him over.
However, the more he helps her open up and reveal the woman inside of her, the more he sees a woman he could possibly fall in love with. He knows he is not her usual type of man. Can he become something safe and secure for a woman like her? Is he willing to give up his wild bachelor days and settle down into the man his parents always hoped he would one day be?
Line review
paula diaz
Cupcakes & Kisses
Just loved this book. Was a change of pace for me. Main characters were Shelby, Drew, and Trent. Drew and Trent have been friends for many years. First Drew went back home to Montana to help with his mother and opened up an attorney’s office. Shelby has lived in Ennis all her life, except when she went away to school. Shelby met Drew with him coming into her bakery. During Drew’s visit to Shelby’s bakery, he asked about her apartment above the bakery. Drew had wanted it for his friend Trent, who was coming back to Ennis. Now, Trent was a playboy, and according to Drew, he wouldn’t be in town very long. Trent moved in, and everything changed for the three.
I could go on, but I don’t want to inform other readers anymore of the story, so you have to read it.
Barbi cupcakes and kisses cover.jpg

Line buy links

Barnes & Noble

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