Monday, July 23, 2018

“Karma’s Minion” (Summer Spirit Novellas Book 4) by Samantha Jacobey – #ScienceFiction&Fantasy, #Fantasy, #NewAdult&College

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The Magical Adventure continues! If you liked the Summer, Dark and Forgotten Angels in the first segment of the Summer Spirit Novella Series, you are going LOVE what happens when Karma gets involved. Are they a race of ancient beings, here for the benefit of mankind? Or is a group of marauders poised and ready to strike us down when we least expect it? Charlie must find the truth and his inner strength for any hope of freeing Clarisse and ending the battle… (New Adult)
Line reviewRebecca A
Meeting Karma!
This series is a continuation of the Summer Spirit Novellas.
Charlie has unfortunately managed to get into some trouble after witnessing a crime and has a choice of going to jail or being sentenced to a rehab program for community service under the control of Ms. Karma Kapoor.
But soon Charlie realizes that Karma has her own agenda, and he must do what he can know one day he may finally reach Clarisse unless others have control over his future.
Wow – this was not was I was expecting! It is so funny how we use the term “Karma’s a b*tch” when something happens but then Ms.Jacobey writes a book about it, and it is so great to see the truth behind it.
I’ve always had such a soft spot for Charlie and the fact that he honestly cares and that is why he is in the situation he is in. Yet when he chooses working for Karma over jail, he has no idea what he is getting into.
I loved meeting all the other “forgotten angels,” and I can’t wait to see what happens between everyone. There is so much potential for so many things to happen and tons of tension!
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