Monday, August 6, 2018

“Cross-Stepping Your Way to Success: The Power to Transform Your Life One Step at a Time!” – #Family&HealthLaw, #MentalHealth, #Counseling&Psychology, #Suicide, #Religion&Spirituality, #Spirituality

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#HistoricalFiction #HistFic #Romance
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When surfers hit the waters, they use a technique called cross-stepping or moving their weight forward and backward to stay standing. Cross-stepping isn’t just a good idea for surfers, though – you, too, can metaphorically use the same strategy of zig-zagging motions to achieve success.
In “Cross-Stepping Your Way to Success,” career coach Carolyn Bowen shows you how to zig-zag your way to success one step at a time. She examines grieving, life planning, owning your power, becoming health conscious, learning to love again, and more.
With “Cross-Stepping Your Way to Success,” you’ll discover how to maintain your balance on the choppy waters of life!
CAROLYN BOWEN was into life planning and career development before it was cool! With extensive advanced studies in psychology, adult learning, and career development, she has the background to guide you in becoming the best possible you! She’s not only walked the walk but perhaps can save you a few steps in finding your niche – your purpose in life. She knows how to master cross-stepping as a surfer and life coach. She can guide you in avoiding wipe-outs while discovering your niche – your purpose in life. She’s a well-read and beloved mystery author who calls on her life escapades and an adventurous, imaginative spirit to create entertaining novels. Her writing credits include “Cross-Ties,” a historical romance, and “The Long Road Home,” a contemporary crime fiction mystery.
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