Monday, September 24, 2018

“Out of the Woods: A Mother Goose Legend” (The Never Lands Saga) by Andi Lawrencovna – #DarkFantasy, #FolkTales, # Mythology

Andi out of the woods 2

#amwriting, #novel, #mswl, #romanticfantasy, #darkfantasy, #paranormalfantasy
Line Blurb
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe;
She had so many children, she didn’t know what to do.
She fed them all broth without any bread;
Then whipped them all soundly and sent them to bed.
~Mother Goose, The Dorling Kindersley Book of Nursery Rhymes (2000)
She took them from the woods, and she took them from dells, from hamlets and homesteads and across the wide world, she found young orphans, those abandoned and left on their own, and gave them a home.
And all she asked for was a little piece of their soul in payment…
Whoever said nursery rhymes were harmless?
Line review
Fantastic addition to the Never Land universe
Another great twist on a classic fairy tale. Ms. Lawrencovna is excellent at writing complicated, interesting characters who you learn to love (or love to hate).
Line video
Line buy links
Andi out of the woods.jpg

Barnes & Noble

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